{% extends "Frames/BaseFrame.html" %} {% from "Macros/_formhelpers.html" import render_field %} {% block layout %} {% if table_data %}

View Website Information

Here you can view all of the sites that have previously been deployed (using the sldevserver CLI)

{% if debug %}


{{ column_data|pprint(True) }}

{{ website_items|pprint(True) }}

{{ table_data|pprint(True) }}

{% endif %} {% for column in column_names %} {% endfor %} {% for site in table_data %} {% for key, value in site.items() %} {% if key in column_data %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endfor %}
{{ column|e }}
{% if site.malformed_site %} {% if site.malformed_site_message %} {% endif %} {% elif site.active_site %} {% endif %} {% if key == 'dev_domain' %} {% endif %} {{ value|e }} {% if key == 'dev_domain' %} {% endif %}

{% endif %}

Duplicate an Existing Template

Choose a website template to duplicate and then click duplicate. A new site will be generated by copying over the complete file structure of a fully functional SilverStripe website. The database will be copied over, and imported, a git repoistory will be setup and the site will be ready to send to the live server right away.

{{ deployment_form.csrf_token }}
{{ update_form.website.label }} {{ update_form.website() }}
{{ update_form.update_button() }}

Deploy a Website

Fill in the form below with the details for a clients website. Once you are finished, click on the "Deploy Website" button and a new site will be created using the sldevserver CLI

{{ deployment_form.csrf_token }}

General Information

{{ render_field( deployment_form.name, prefix=false, class_='field-item__input text-field', placeholder='e.g. Make Good Games', pattern='[a-zA-Z0-9 ]+', title='Title of the website (accepts alpha-numerical characters)' ) }}
{{ render_field( deployment_form.slogan, prefix=false, class_='field-item__input text-field', placeholder='e.g. Good Quality, Good Message, Good Fun', pattern='[,a-zA-Z0-9 ]+', title='Slogan for the website (accepts alpha-numerical characters)' ) }}
{{ render_field( deployment_form.domain, prefix=false, class_='field-item__input text-field', placeholder='e.g. www.makegoodgames.com', pattern='[-.:/a-zA-Z0-9 ]+', title='The future domain/URL of the website (accepts alpha-numerical and URL safe characters)' ) }}
{{ render_field( deployment_form.description, prefix=false, class_='field-item__input textarea', placeholder='e.g. Make Good Games is a blog devoted to the theory and creation of good, meaningful boardgames', title='The description that will be used for the wrapper recipe' ) }}

Recipe Information

{{ render_field( deployment_form.gen_wrapper_recipe_name, prefix="site-", class_='field-item__input field-item__input--no-rounding text-field', placeholder='e.g. make-good-games', pattern='[-a-zA-Z0-9 ]+', title='The name of the generated wrapper recipe (accepts alpha-numerical characters and dashes)' ) }}
{{ render_field( deployment_form.existing_wrapper_recipe, prefix=false, class_='field-item__input select-field' ) }}
{{ render_field( deployment_form.clone_theme_recipe, prefix=false, class_='custom-checkbox field-item__input checkbox field-item__checkbox' ) }}

Theme Recipe Information

Cloned Theme Recipe Information

{{ render_field( deployment_form.gen_theme_recipe_name, prefix="theme-", class_='field-item__input field-item__input--no-rounding text-field', placeholder='e.g. super-flat-goodness', pattern='[-a-zA-Z0-9 ]+', title='The name of the generated theme recipe (accepts alpha-numerical characters and dashes)' ) }}
{{ render_field( deployment_form.gen_theme_recipe_desc, prefix=false, class_='field-item__input textarea', placeholder='Default: A silverstripe recipe for the "Theme Name" theme', title='The description that will be used for the theme recipe' ) }}
{{ render_field( deployment_form.existing_category_recipe, prefix=false, class_='field-item__input select-field' ) }}

Category Recipe Information

{{ render_field( deployment_form.gen_category_recipe_name, prefix="category-", class_='field-item__input field-item__input--no-rounding text-field', placeholder='e.g. review-blog', pattern='[-a-zA-Z0-9 ]+', title='The name of the generated category recipe (accepts alpha-numerical characters and dashes)' ) }}
{{ render_field( deployment_form.gen_category_recipe_desc, prefix=false, class_='field-item__input textarea', placeholder='Default: A recipe for sharing code and composer packages between websites in the "Category Name" category', title='The description that will be used for the category recipe' ) }}

Extra Features

{{ render_field( deployment_form.include_proprietary, prefix=false, class_='custom-checkbox field-item__input checkbox' ) }}
{{ render_field( deployment_form.test_deployment, prefix=false, class_='custom-checkbox field-item__input checkbox' ) }}
{{ render_field( deployment_form.deploy_button, prefix=false, class_='field-item__button primary gutter-r--sm' ) }}

Update Website Packages

Place a checkmark beside each of the websites that you would like updated, then click on the "Update Websites" button

{{ deployment_form.csrf_token }}
{{ update_form.website.label }} {{ update_form.website() }}
{{ update_form.update_button() }}
{% endblock %}